Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Morning Links from Beulahland

Once again, time for that daily digest of links, videos, and whatever else interested me from my twitter feed this morning.  

From @bookbench (New Yorker book review twitter account) A brief look at the life and last work of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya, who was shot dead in the elevator of her apartment in October 2006.  

A retweet from @ryansara about the combination of text/images in comics.  From the blog post:
Recently we posted an activity which encourages students to push to the limits the distance between image and text, in large part to demonstrate that in fact you can almost always infer some amount of contingency between apparently disparate series of images and texts. In this post I’m going to discuss a few examples of the creative exploitation of this dissonance.
The National Interest has a review of C.J. Chivers new book, 'The Gun', a biography of that ubiquitous machine gun the AK-47.  No other weapon has imprinted itself upon world culture more than the Soviet made assault rifle, and Chivers work delves into the sixty year narrative the weapon produced.

And last but not least, @Torrentfreak has an article on how e-book piracy actually increased sales for at least one author, further strengthening the idea that sharing ones work does have rewards beyond karma points.

Also, side note, almost finished with part II of my series on  board games as complex cultural artifacts- should post later today.   

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