Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wednesday Videos: Return from the Long Absence

If you are a regular visitor to the Muse, you probably noticed that I didn't update my Wednesday Videos, Thursday Links, or Weekend Reading for quite some time now.  I could fill you in on the intimate details of my life, or I could just say that I've been very busy with holidays/portfolio stuff and really haven't had time to do the more routine updates.

But all that changes today.  I'm back on the wagon, so to speak, and I have two educational videos (don't worry one has animation) to share with you today.  The first selection is from the Harvard University Press Blog with Professor David Blight discussing the impact of the Civil War on American Memory, now celebrating its sesquicentennial.

(This is only part one of a three-part series- you can watch the rest on YouTube by clicking the link in the video above.)

The second selection comes from the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce (RSA)- it is an animation that accompanies a recent talk given by sociologist David Harvey on the 'Crisis of Capitalism'.

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