Friday, December 3, 2010

Debut of the Digital Russian Peasant Project

So I have gone and done it- I created a wiki.  In my post on Russian Imperial Maps, I proposed the creation of the Digital Peasant Project to act as a central point for the collection and documentation of primary sources related to Russian peasant life.  The greater goal is to create a robust database upon which online interactive tools could be built.  

Well I actually went from discussion to action and created the Digital Russian Peasant Project page on Wikiversity.  It is still very, very much in its infancy and I have a lot to learn myself before serious headway can be made- however, it is a starting point and anyone can contribute to the Background Reading and Bibliography sections and I would appreciate any recommendations or ideas on how to properly sort the data received.  There is a discuss tab on the wiki page, so post your ideas there or jump in and edit the page with appropriate content.

Let the peasant inspired peer-production experiment begin!

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