Monday, December 10, 2012

Russian History at Future Internet

Russian Ruble from 1899 - via Fotopedia
It's been a while since I've updated the 'ole blog, but today I received some news that I thought was worth sharing.  A paper I wrote, based on my Theorizing the Web 2012 conference presentation, has finally been published over at the journal Future Internet.

Titled 'Textual Dualism and Augmented Reality in the Russian Empire', my essay suggests that if we are to better understand how 'digital dualism' works (discussed here by Nathan Jurgenson) in our present day then we need to look to the past and chart how 'textual dualism' clashed with, then, 'augmented' oral claims to reality.

So if you're down to read a little 19th/20th century Russian history, check out the link above and download my paper.  It's open access, and if you have any comments please feel free to let me know either here, at Peasant Muse, or on my Twitter feed, handle = @jsantley.

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