Saturday, March 2, 2013

My Theorizing the Web 2013 Presentation

Here are the slides I used for my Theorizing the Web 2013 presentation: "Creating a Modern Feudal Order".  Feel free to download the slides and listen to the audio track, explaining these slides in greater detail, found below.  If you want to download these slides, you'll need to visit the Slideshare page and click on the 'save' button just above the slides.  There is some ghost writing on slides 3 and 4, which I cannot solve via re-uploading, so if you would like an uncorrupted copy of these slides, get ahold of me on Twitter (@jsantley) or leave a comment below.  The audio track can be downloaded as well.

Data Serfdom in the Modern Age from Jeremy Antley

Update: Below is the rough cut of the Theorizing the Web 'Room B' recording.  Cue up to 43:05 to see my presentation.

Also, the Slideshare above does not include a video clip on slide 20 that I intended to show during my presentation.  Because I was rushed for time, I didn't play it.  However, you can find the clip below.  My point in showing it was to demonstrate how a scene played for pure hilarity in 2003 now has a more sobering meaning for 2013, when one considers the data serf situation.  But it's also still very funny.

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