Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Morning Links from Beulahland: 27 October 2010

Well I almost didn't get a chance to sit down, enjoy my coffee and search for links to bring you this morning as there was a small kitchen fire in Beulahland today.  However, by the time I arrived the fire was doused via extinguisher, allowing me to bring you such fine web pages such as these:

From @parisreview: Interview with Max Frisch from September 1984.  I loved "I'm Not Stiller", and highly suggest reading it if you have not done so already.  Just a fantastic book!  Also, the Paris Review recently made their interview archives available on line for free perusal, a move I think is fantastic.

From @marvin_ammori about article @ForeignAffairs_: Article by Eric Schmidt (Google CEO) and Jared Cohen on how internet connectivity defuses centers of power and how this new relationship might impact global affairs- very cool read.  Marvin Ammori's blog post is here, and the discussed article on Foreign Affairs here.

Last, but certainly not least, a retweet by @doctorow (Cory Doctorow, author and boing boing editor) of @Cap_howdy, who asks that people check out 'Aidan's Monsters!', a website selling the 5-years old work to raise money for his Leukemia treatments.  You can order prints here, and check out Aidan's story here.  Super cute drawings that can help save a super cute child- seems like a win-win here.

That's all today- as Neil Young said, keep on rockin' in the free world.

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