Monday, October 25, 2010

Mornings at Beulahland

Recently I've begun spending mornings at Beulahland, a divey, cool bar/diner type of place where the morning crowds are non-existent and I can work on my essay drafts in peace.  This is where I get started for my day- I drink my much needed coffee (vice #1 among a few), look over my twitter feed and begin writing, in my trusty Leuchtturm 1917 notebook, whatever I want to work on that day.  Since my laptop keyboard went kaput, i've had to adjust to writing my essays in longhand if I decide to work outside of my house.  I must say, after working this way for three weeks now, I love writing my essays this way.  Not only does the draft get some much needed 'thinking space' where all ideas on construction of argument can be pursued but it also helps me work on my writing as I only strike through what I don't use instead of  opting for wholesale delete, as is common when I type in Microsoft Word.  

In between paragraphs or thoughts, I often take a moment and use the Beulahland wi-fi in order to check out my twitter feed.  Twitter has become, for me, the go to to medium to discover new links and up to date news.  Facebook is more like a laid back conversation between friends; we chat about what we did the past week, share photos of whatever interested us and generally the topics are light followed by breezy.  Twitter can be the same but the people I follow, for the most part, are about sharing interesting pages or links to videos or blog posts.  This is probably because I follow only my friends on Facebook, meaning that the content I receive from them is likely to be already something I like or know about, whereas on Twitter I follow all sorts of people who bring a much wider range of information into my world.  Every morning, when I sit at the Beulahland counter sipping my coffee, my Twitter feed brings me several bits of info I feel like sharing with, well, anyone who is interested.

Thus, in the spirit of several other blogs, I will make a daily posting of my 'Morning Links at Beulahland".  I share some of these on my Twitter feed, even less on my Facebook profile, but I know people consume media in different capacities so I will post some choice links on Peasant Muse for the sake of my two followers. :)

Morning Links at Beulahland- 25 October 2010

Dead Sea Scrolls to be made available for free viewing online.
Games article on Brenda Brathwaite's award-winning emotional board game, Train.
The Myth of the Muse, or, the necessity in spending time each day writing for those seeking tenure.
E-Books begin to merge with Apps, brining a chat room experience to book purchase.

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